Climate resilient African cities through the circular economy

Explore data-driven insights, solutions, tools and practical examples of the circular economy that can help your city achieve its climate and sustainability goals.

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African cities
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Developed in partnership with

UN Environment ProgrammeFootPrints Africa

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– Deborah Ohui Nartey, Research Analyst at Footprints Africa

Ganbatte is a dynamic platform that showcases the practice of circular economy on the African continent. It highlights local initiatives and provides key data to help understand the concept and benefits of circularity.

– Deborah Ohui Nartey, Research Analyst at Footprints Africa

Explore your city’s data

Gain insight on sectoral emissions, material use and jobs in African cities and identify opportunities for intervention.

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Find practical solutions to make your city circular

Find ready-to-implement solutions from the Circular City Actions Framework, illustrated by city-driven case studies.


By 2050, at 17.7 billion tonnes per year, urban Africa will be the second largest consumer of materials

The circular economy can help tackle some of the challenges Africa is facing:

  • An increasing environmental footprint, with polluting impacts on ecological habitats and growing pressure on cities to reduce resource consumption (ACEN & ICLEI Circulars Africa Hub)
  • Growing consumption of products using raw materials and resources, putting the economy under the pressure of an extractive system (ACEN & ICLEI Circulars Africa Hub)
  • Unplanned expansion of the informal economy, putting strain on urban institutions, infrastructure and ecosystems (ICLEI Circulars Africa)

African cities can lower emissions, enhance inclusivity and become more climate resilient through the circular Economy

The circular economy can:

  • Reduce reliance on extraction and drive the diversification of the economy (ICLEI Circulars Africa Hub)
  • Increase resilience in local communities by contributing to sustainable business models (ACEN & GRID Arendal)
  • Create jobs and provide higher economic returns, meeting the needs of the youthful population (GRID Arendal & ICLEI Circulars Africa Hub)
  • Institutionalise local ancient practices, with lower emissions and climate-resilient impacts (ICLEI Circulars Africa Hub)
  • Contribute toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Desmond & Asamba paper)
Opportunities for increased circularity
Food systems
Built environment
Fashion and textiles

Support the African circular transition

Circle Economy and Footprints Africa are collaborating to develop a Circularity Assessment for African nations. You can help us deliver this assessment to businessess across the continent.

New to the circular economy?

Let us guide you through it
What is the circular economy?

To transition to a circular economy, everyone involved needs to understand what a circular economy is. Learn about this economic system where waste is designed out.


Ganbatte helps you explore data-driven insights, solutions, tools and practical examples of the circular economy that can help your city achieve its climate and sustainability goals.

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